Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Business Name Registeration

How to register a business name in Nigeria

This how ever differ from Limited liability companym, plc and Others

Locate CAC office beside Gas link at Alausa
Get availability form for N500
sumbit and check back in a week time, though 24 hour registration is possible in Abuja the headquarters,
then get business registration form for 250
fill it and give it to the CAC Legal Personnel, they will then check whether your nature business and other general assessment of the filled form
Take the form to the Oat inside Alausa secretariat for endorsement.

Then you will take it to the location where it will be type, in which printed copy will be given to you will then return, it back to the CAC legal personnel, it will be endorse again  if there is need for correct you will take it to the computer typing sector for correction and also return to the Legal personnel

then finally will need to fill a teller and then pay a sum of 10,000

check back in two weeks or a month for CAC certificate

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Nigeria Economy

Going down Memory lane, Nigeria Economy have been what world leading economy has appreciated over the years before the economy became what its today. Change of priority have been of one the keys factor that has cause damage to the economy. Every individual has played one role or the other to the collapse of the strong economy of Nigeria either by compromising the standard or by praising leader that have siphon  public fund and also continue playing of responsibilities on such leads that have failed Nigeria populace.

Nigeria is surviving with the advent of Democratic system of Government with several programs and policies, of such program is NEEDS(National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy)  2003 to 2007, this attempted to implement an economic reform program. The focus of the present day Government (2012) is to become one of the largest 20 economies in the world by the year 2020, eight more years to go; Considering the possibilities of this various  this , various economical tools will be needed to be considered.
Some social analysis goes beyond Economy figure, hence social analysis will be employ such ask social index and welfare; what is the level of happiness,  Living, well-being, feeding and joy of the populace.

There is Great Hope of revamping the economy, when major sector of the Nigeria Economy should shun corruption and people of credible credentials  are elected during election, usage of media to promote or demote government policies and program, priority shift; institutionalize meaning of attainment of goal should attract more positive sanction.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Television programme
Radio programme

Friday, August 17, 2007


I am a research oriented person.